NitoVille Inc Global Privacy Policy

November 15, 2021

NitoVille is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring you have a positive experience on our websites and when you use our products and services (collectively referred to as "Services" and in some instances "Products").

This policy outlines our data handling practices, and how we collect, use, and disclose Personal Data. It covers all Personal Data that you affirmatively provide during your interactions with us, information that we automatically collect when you interact with our Products. The NitoVille Inc Privacy Policy is applicable worldwide and describes rights you may have to control our use of Personal Data. There may be additional location specific NitoVille Privacy Policies, and we encourage you to ensure you also read and understand NitoVille Privacy relevant to your specific location. Collectively, NitoVille Inc Privacy Policy and location specific privacy policies are referred to as NitoVille Privacy Policy.

As used in this Privacy Policy, "Personal Data" means any information that can be used to identify or is reasonably linkable to a specific person.

This policy may be updated from time to time for reasons such as operational practices or regulatory changes, so we recommend that you review our Privacy Policy when returning to our website. We encourage you to review this page, periodically, for the latest information on our privacy practices.


Whether you have a NitoVille account or not, we may collect Personal Data from or about you when you use or otherwise interact with our Products. We may gather the following categories of Personal Data about you:

We collect this data to provide you with the best experience of our Products. Mostly, we gather Personal Data directly from you, directly from your devices, or directly from someone who communicates with you using NitoVille services, such as a meeting host, participant, or caller. Some of our collection happens on an automated basis - that is, it's automatically collected when you interact with our Products.

We may also obtain information about you from a user who uses NitoVille Products. For example, a user may input your contact information when you are invited to a NitoVille meeting or call. Similarly, a NitoVille meeting host may record a NitoVille meeting and store the recording on our system. If a NitoVille meeting host decides to record a meeting, that person is responsible for obtaining any necessary consent from you before recording a meeting.


Customer Content is information provided by the customer to NitoVille through the usage of the Products. Customer Content includes the content contained in cloud recordings, and instant messages, files, whiteboards, contacts, and shared while using the Products. Customer Content does not refer to data generated by NitoVille's network and systems (i.e., data that NitoVille creates because the customer is using the system (e.g., meeting routing information and other meeting metadata).


We process Personal Data you voluntarily share with us, such as your Contact List (email and cell number), subject to your consent. Processing may determine and show you which contacts on your Contact List are already using NitoVille account or not. Processing does not save this information on our server at all. But when you decide to invite contacts to bring on your NitoVille's Contact List, we store invitee email addresses on our server. By allowing Contact List to be collected or sending invite, you give NitoVille a right to use that contact information as a part of the service and you guarantee that you have all permissions required to share such Contact List with us.


NitoVille, our third-party service providers, and advertising partners (e.g., Google Ads and Google Analytics) may automatically collect some information about you when you use our Products, using methods such as cookies and tracking technologies. Information automatically collected includes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), exit pages, the files viewed on our site (e.g., HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating system, date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data. We use this information to offer and improve our Products, trouble-shoot, and to improve our marketing efforts.


We process your Personal Data (i) with your consent (where necessary), (ii) for the performance of any contract you have with us (such as your agreement with us that allows us to provide you with the Products), and (iii) for other legitimate interests and business purposes including in a manner reasonably proportionate to:

Special Notes:

  1. Some of the information you share during a meeting may be shared with other meeting participants. For example, all messages and contents you share in a meeting, including Personal Data about you or others, may be available to all other participants in that meeting (unless you elect to chat with a subset of meeting participants). If you share a meeting link with another user who is not already in the meeting, when that user tries to join the meeting he or she may be able to see the list of other users in the meeting, as well as other invitees joining the meeting.
  2. Much of the Personal Data we collect, we collect on behalf of our customers. (More specifically, for purposes of GDPR and CCPA, we are the "Processor" of that Personal Data, acting as a service provider on behalf and at the direction of our customer, and our user is the "Controller" or decision maker.) For example, the user may determine when meetings can be recorded, how long they are kept, and the like.
  3. We are typically required to follow a user's instructions related to Personal Data we have collected on behalf of that user. On a user's instructions, we may provide reports containing Personal Data relating to the user's account.
  4. You can sign-up, and therefore consent, to receive email or newsletter communications from us.
  5. We send you push notifications from time to time in order to update you about any events or promotions that we may be running. To ensure you receive proper notifications, we will need to collect certain information about your device such as operating system and user identification information.
  6. We may from time to time be required by and under the Law to provide information about our Products and users. This includes responding to a legally binding demand for information, such as a warrant issued by a law enforcement entity of competent jurisdiction, or as reasonably necessary to preserve NitoVille's legal rights.


As discussed above, we may collect information about your broad geographic location (city-level location) when you are using our Products or have them installed on your device. We use this information for service-related purposes (such as optimizing your connection to our servers), supporting compliance (such as by telling us where you're located, which can determine what laws or regulations apply to you), and suggesting customizations to your experience with our Products (e.g. your language preference). We do not "track" you using location data and we only use this information in connection with providing the best experience with the Products to you.


We do not allow marketing companies, advertisers, or anyone else to access Personal Data in exchange for payment. Except as described above, we do not allow any third parties access to any Personal Data we collect while providing services to users. We do not allow third parties to use any Personal Data obtained from us for their own purposes, unless it is with your consent (e.g., when you download an app from the Marketplace). So, in our opinion, we don't think most of our users would see us as selling their information, as that practice is commonly understood.

That said, NitoVille does use certain standard advertising tools which require Personal Data (think, for example, Google Ads and Google Analytics). We use these tools to help us improve your advertising experience (such as serving advertisements on our behalf across the Internet, serving personalized ads on our website, and providing analytics services). Sharing Personal Data with the third-party provider while using these tools may fall within the extremely broad definition of the "sale" of Personal Data under certain state laws because those companies might use Personal Data for their own business purposes, as well as NitoVille's purposes. For example, Google may use this data to improve its advertising services for all companies who use their services. NitoVille receives no consideration nor income from sharing such data. (It is important to note advertising programs have historically operated in this manner. It is only with the recent developments in data privacy laws that such activities fall within the definition of a "sale"). If you opt out of "sale" of your info, your Personal Data that may have been used for these activities will no longer be shared with third parties.


How long we retain your Personal Data depends on the type of data and the purpose for which we process the data. We will retain your Personal Information for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required by law.


NitoVille is committed to protecting the Personal Data you share with us. We utilize a combination of industry-standard security technologies, procedures, and organizational measures to help protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

We recommend you take every precaution in protecting your Personal Data when you are on the Internet. For example, change your passwords often, use a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols when creating passwords, and make sure you use a secure browser. If you have any questions about the security of your Personal Data, you can contact us at


Our websites and services may provide links to other third-party websites and services which are outside our control and not covered by this policy. We encourage you to review the privacy policies posted on these (and all) sites you visit or services you use.


Our Products are generally hosted and operated in Canada and New Zealand through NitoVille and its service providers, though data may be collected from wherever our users are located. We may transfer your Personal Data to the U.S., and to any NitoVille affiliates worldwide, or to third parties acting on our behalf for the purposes of processing or storage. Where local law requires, we may store data locally in order to comply with local regulations. By using any of our Products or providing any Personal Data for any of the purposes stated above, you consent to the secure transfer and storage of your Personal Data, whether provided by you or obtained through a third party, to the Canada, New Zealand, the U.S. and any of NitoVille's operating centres.


If you have any privacy-related questions or comments related to this privacy policy, please send an email to You can also contact us by writing to this address:

NitoVille Inc
135 Thakur Street, Saskatoon,
SK S7W 1C9